View our new 2024-2027 Strategic Plan
Use Digital Literacy Standards to Guide Your Instruction
The Covid-19 Pandemic has accellerated the already rapid need develop digital literacy skills.
Over the past 10 years, Northstar Digital Literacy has developED comprehensive lists of standards describing the specific digital literacy skills adults need. These standards provide a guide for determining what to include in you digital literacy lessons.
Standards are broken into 14 subject areas:
Essential Computer Skills
Basic Computer Skills
Internet Basics
Using Email
Mac OS
Essential Software Skills:
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Docs
Using Technology in Daily Life
Social Media
Information Literacy
Supporting K-12 Distance Learning
Career Search Skills
Your Digital Footprint
To access the standards, click here
For teaching and learning resources aligned to each of the standards, click here
For general information about Northstar Digital Literacy Assessments, click here