View our new 2024-2027 Strategic Plan
Edmentum is a leading provider of online learning programs designed to drive student achievement for academic and career success.
- Varies by content.
- Most suitable for high and/or high-intermediate ELLs and all L1 (US born) learners.
- For ELLs, CASAS reading 221+ recommended, but not required
- Just getting started? To request a new Edmentum site & Program Administrator account under the MNABE license, please complete this brief online form.
- Proxy Hours Equivalent/Criteria for Awarding Proxy Hours: Clocktime, as per timeout setting provided by publisher; multiply the amount of clocktime recorded by 1.25, to account for teacher coordination with learner, and round to nearest quarter hour.
- Proxy Hour Documentation: Learner Daily Usage report. Use the times under the column, Total Time on Activities In Assignment, (not Total Time Logged In). Please watch this screencast showing how to run the report and use the Proxy Hour Formula spreadsheet.
- Basic resources
- (Updated) Proxy Hour Formula Excel Worksheet for time on task plaforms
- How-to create a custom course and add materials
- Support contacts (detailed document)
- Customer support can answer most questions: Call the main Edmentum line 800.447.5286, then dial 9 (for customer support), dial 1 (for Edmentum), then dial 3 (to choose program help); or email
- Help/Support site:
- For questions customer service cannot answer, contact Amy Dawson via email, or phone 214.294.9589
- New Minnesota Custom Courses for Levels A,B, and C (course name, content area, and CCRS level)
- Custom Course Builder updates video and info11/2/20
- Edmentum updates webinar recording (Custom course builder and Exact Path) 12/20/20
- Edmentum New Student Orientation Video (6 minute screencast)
- 2/1/19 - New TABE Flash-Free Activities/content in Edmentum - Watch this screencast for more information! or Watch this screencast from Edmentum
- How to search the Edmentum course catalog for content (screencast)
- Edmentum Tip: Apply Past Progress - Watch this how-to screencast for more information!
- Edmentum Youtube Channel (videos)
- Alignment of new Minnesota Custom Courses with CCRS Levels A, B. and C
- "Skills" - Lower level custom courses
- Accessing Answer Keys for Offline Activities (worksheets)
Literacy Level
Greater than 221
TABE Score