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English Unlocked Phonics Workbooks

For Beginning ESL Students
March 2021
One-to-One Tutoring

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Phonics Workbooks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from English Unlocked are now available! Geared toward beginning English language learning students, these are the first packaged phonics workbooks made specifically for adult learners. The workbooks are focused on phonemic awareness, decoding skills and letter formation. 

When you purchase a Phonics Workbook, you will receive the e-book as a pdf, allowing you to make the copies you need for your classroom. You will also receive the Teacher Instructions e-book, a step-by-step guide for using the workbook. The Teacher Instructions include tips to assist and to challenge your learners, and all the word lists and scripts for the Phonics Workbook.

Workbook 1 covers 13 letters and sounds, including vowels a, i and o. 

Workbook 2 completes the alphabet and adds digraphs sh, ch, th, qu and wh.

Workbook 3 provides low-literacy activities to help adults master consonants blends (bl, cr, dr, fl...).

Workbook 4 provides low-literacy activities to help adults master glued sounds (-ang, -ank, -ing, ink...) and continue consonants blends (sl, spr, dr, br...).

Workbook 5 continues to build learners’ phonics and phonemic knowledge with low-literacy activities to help them master long vowels with silent e (cake, nine, rope, cube….) and continue to build fluency in recognizing sight words. 

Check out the free preview below and order your copies today!

Questions about English Unlocked? Contact [email protected] with questions and for more information.