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Disability media to dig into this summer
Welcome back to our tutor tips series focused on enhancing access and supporting learners with disabilities! As the summer draws to a close, we’re taking a little vacation from the classroom to highlight some resources for a deeper understanding of what learners with disabilities may be navigating outside of class. Here are a few starting points for exploration:
Disability Visibility Project
The Disability Visibility Project is a podcast, a blog, an anthology, and more. It’s an icon and a treasure, and a great place to start.
Down to the Struts
Down to the Struts is an incredible podcast about disability, design, and systemic change. Check out the following episodes covering issues that hit close to home for the ABE field:
- Season 2, Episode 1: Law, Policy, and Disabled Immigrants
- Season 2, Episode 3: Designing Access for Disabled Students
- Season 2 Finale: Black Disabled Lives Matter
Disabled and d/Deaf Poets Anthology
The Disabled and d/Deaf Poets Anthology, curated by the great Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, provides a richly creative poetic introduction to the disability justice movement.
The Disability Justice Reading List
For those who want to dig in to a more extensive book list, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha has also curated a Disability Justice Book List.