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Tutor Tip

Movie Time! Speaking Activity for Remote Tutoring

May 2020
One-to-One Tutoring

Movie Time!

Purpose: The activity suggestions help learners practice describing what they saw and remembering details

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Materials Needed: a video (short youtube clip shared through email or other communication platform, or a video that you make and send through WhatsApp)

Before class: Send the video message or link a few days before class so that learners have time to watch it

There are multiple conversation activities that you can do using a short video clip. You can use just one of the suggestions below, or combine several of them to give the learner additional speaking practice.

  1. Have the learner retell what happened during the video clip. Encourage them to use sequencing words such as first, then, next, finally, etc.
  2. Ask the learner questions about what they saw in the video (e.g. What animals did you see? Which animal was the smallest?)
  3. Ask the learner more in-depth questions to get them to explain their reasoning and share evidence (e.g. How did the woman feel? How did you know she was angry?).
  4. Ask the learner to share their opinion about the video (e.g. Did you like the video? Why or why not? What was your favorite part? Have you ever had something similar happen to you?).
  5. Ask the learner to tell you what they think will happen after the video. Encourage them to be creative and explain the reasoning behind their answer.
  6. Ask the learner to tell you what they think happened prior to the video. Encourage them to be creative and explain the reasoning behind their answer.

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