Spark. Transform. Mobilize.
Join the Anti-Racist 30-Day Challenge—Free!
This free curated resource, The AntiRacist Table, was created by Kirsten Ivey-Colson and Lynn Turner to help Americans learn how to fight back against racism and commit to practicing Antiracism work in their everyday lives.
During the challenge, participants will have opportunities to cultivate mindfulness and daily practices centered around equality, justice, and humanity through daily lessons delivered to their inbox. The daily lessons are engaging and interactive; they include videos, readings, reflection, meditation, and other disciplines.
The AntiRacist Table 30 Day Challenge is specifically curated to educate, to help people face and get past shame, anger, and blame, and to develop empathy–all key elements of creating an AntiRacist America.
The AntiRacist Table is centered around 10 Core Principles:
- Intention – Set and live in the intention to cultivate an AntiRacist America and take action that dismantles racist policies.
- AntiRacist – Create AntiRacist policies and engage in the world as an AntiRacist.
- Individuality – See individuals as individuals– positive or negative qualities of the individual are not attributed to all.
- Equality – Hold all groups of people–race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, ability, age, and any intersectionality, as equal.
- Empathy – Cultivate empathy by rehumanizing the dehumanized.
- Courage – Put courage, compassion, and vulnerability over comfort.
- Allies – Recruit and support partners committed to AntiRacist work.
- Humanity – Take actions that support humanity.
- Love – Choose love and healing over fear and oppression
- Educate – Educate yourself and honor the history of others
Click on the link above to sign up for the free 30-day challenge, or copy and paste it in your browser window. Happy learning!
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Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash