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Tooling U-SME

  • Summary: ToolingU-SME is an online learning platform for the manufacturing field.  It provides competency- based education and training for adult learners in school, or in workforce development settings.  Classes involve reading or listening to text, viewing videos, completing interactive checks for understanding, and pre and post testing on knowledge taught.
  • Prerequisites: TABE 11/12 Reading Level 536 and above; NRS Levels 4-6
  • Proxy Hours Equivalent/Criteria for awarding Proxy Hour Equivalent: Clocktime, as per timeout setting provided by publisher; multiply the amount of clocktime recorded by 1.25, to account for teacher coordination with learner, and round to nearest quarter hour.
  • Proxy Hour Documentation: On the Administration side of Tooling U, instructors can filter by Student Group to find the total number of minutes spent completing a class. Under the Group Reports tab, a Comprehensive Student Report can be run.  An Excel spreadsheet shows total time spent in class for proxy hour collection..

Literacy Level

TABE Score


